Nino Severino SS4B Creator and Judy Murray EBF Patron
Dr Ajit Mapari and Meghan Belsare from Fit2Sport India

Meghan Belsare, MSc who studied Sports & Exercise Science and Medicine at Glasgow University happened to apply to attend a presentation by Nino Severino, Founder and Chairman of the Hub, Ipswich. He made the incredible journey, by train, from Glasgow to Ipswich, simply to create opportunities for Fit2Sport, owned by his mentor back in India, who also is University of Exeter (UK) alumni. Little did both Meghan and Nino realise, this incredible effort would lead to a collaboration that would span the globe!

Meghan Belsare, MSc who studied Sports & Exercise Science and Medicine at Glasgow University happened to apply to attend a presentation by Nino Severino, Founder and Chairman of the Hub, Ipswich. He made the incredible journey, by train, from Glasgow to Ipswich, simply to create opportunities for Fit2Sport, owned by his mentor back in India, who also is University of Exeter (UK) alumni. Little did both Meghan and Nino realise, this incredible effort would lead to a collaboration that would span the globe!
Meghan’s return to India did not stop a flourishing relationship between the two, they kept in constant contact, which led to Dr Ajit Mapari a sports & exercise medicine consultant , joining the conversations. The three men spent hours discussing how they were focused on the same aspirations and vision, to offer athletes high quality support, through their individual venues.

Yasmina, Tawana and Natasha, athletes based in Ipswich who will be benefiting from the SS4B Development Programme



These discussions carried on through the pandemic, all three men committed to building a unique relationship that could lead to making a difference for many young athletes in India and in the UK. As discussions continued through the COVID pandemic, it was very clear that the world was embracing on-line communication and support, this presented an incredible opportunity.


As the discussions on formalising HUB (India) continued, Nino and Dr Ajit created a vision of offering Nino’s SS4B programme to India, bringing together athletes from the UK and India together on a safe and social platform. This platform is being offered free of charge to SS4B by Margaret Burnside, CEO of CAKE, it will be offering events, education and support, but equally as important, a safe social space for athletes to be connected and meet each other from the UK and India.




Martyn Waghorn Professional Football Player, one of the SS4B Ambassadors
Athletes in the Hub COSE, where much of the programme will be delivered from
Veron Eze with Nino Severino and Wez Pooley SS4B Ambassador.
Natasha Mashonganyika, National Tennis Player and beneficiary of the SS4B Development Programme

They are all looking forward to continuing this association through the SS4B programme, and as always, encouraging athletes to better their fitness, through scientific support, multiple disciplines at all levels and by providing them with all the other resources required through each other’s individual programmes, and together through SS4B.


Team Hub, including some of the team members from the 2018 team. The current Team Hub will be supporting the SS4B Programme Delivery.
Jenifer Leader from Birketts, a supporter of SS4B from its early days of development.

As both entities move through 2021, Nino, Dr Ajit and Meghan will continue to look forward, making Fit2Sport, HUB and Sport Skills 4 Business (under the Elena Baltacha Foundation umbrella) a positive force and influence in the lives of young athletes. Both Nino and Dr Ajit are committed to ensuring that many of the spaces offered on the SS4B collaboration between the UK and India will be offered to young athletes who live in deprived and disadvantaged areas, which is always at the forefront of The Elena Baltacha Foundation charitable objectives.